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Latest Web3 News That You'll Find Exciting📰
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Categories for NFT Marketplaces

NFT Marketplaces Are Shifting

The DeFi crises have focused attention on NFTs and DAOs. In this process, how do NFT marketplaces differ? What will the future bring?

Web3 technology's plethora of commercial prospects has also resulted in a significant shift in customer perceptions regarding traditional and digital marketplaces. Following the considerable problems in the DeFi ecosystem, the increasing concept of decentralization has shifted the attention of key investors in the corporate world to NFTs, DAOs, markets, and web3 in general.

The digital media industry has begun to pay more attention to actors developing platforms, protocols, and innovative ways to trade assets and profit through blockchains and NFTs. So, how are NFT-focused marketplaces doing now, and what does the future hold? Read more in Turkish.

The New GameFi Trend: Free-To-Own

The New GameFi Trend: Free-To-Own

The "next trend" expected to revolutionize Web3 forever has just arrived: Free-to-Own. If you haven't already heard of it, you will very soon: DigiDaigaku. Limit Break and Gabriel Leydon's new initiative, DigiDaigaku, delivers a concept comparable - but not identical - to Free-to-Play in the classic gaming arena to the web3 platform. They characterize the project in their own words as follows:

Limit Break, a business founded by world-renowned game designers Gabriel Leydon and Halbert Nakagawa, created DigiDaigaku, a collection of unique characters, in 2022. The DigiDaigaku characters are now living in a strange, uncharted universe, but interesting facts about their inhabited world will be disclosed over time.

Interested? Read more in Turkish.

What If They Shut Down Your Favorite F2P Game, So Suddenly?

What If They Shut Down Your Favorite F2P Game, So Suddenly?

This topic was discussed again during the mourning period of many dead MMORPGs, when EA's famous stillborn Moba Dawngate split the gaming world in two, and when Heroes of Newerth, a staple in all of our pasts, quietly said goodbye, but back then there were no web3 games or blockchain technology to address this issue - up to a point.

So, are beloved games dying as a result of the fact that Free to Play is no longer a profitable business model? Can your favorite F2P games be shut down unexpectedly by a studio, never to be reaccessed? What happens to the time you've put into the game, the characters you've created, and the clothes and skins you've purchased? Is there a way to solve this problem?

Interested? Read more in Turkish.

Stash Has Announced a New Protocol 

Stash Has Announced a New Protocol

Stash focuses on renting game assets and merging what is known as "Scholarship" in the Play-and-Earn environment with the marketplace notion. It may appear to be a controlled, intermediary marketplace listing the NFTs of collaborating games. Still, once Early Access is done, it has an ideal vision that any game company can employ their idle NFTs by opening them up for rent, increasing circulation and volume in the ecosystem.

Stash has introduced a protocol that can serve as the access layer for NFTs in Web3 games, allowing studios and developers who join the marketplace to implement financialization options such as NFT rental, lending quickly, and "Buy Now Pay Later" into their games. The platform allows for simple implementation via SDKs for reward shares, paid rentals, and BNPL, resulting in a simple, fast, and safe solution in four stages.

Do you want to learn more? Please click here.

It's not too late to catch up on last week's news.

Last week, we collated essential web3 news that may affect your future and investment decisions. If you missed it, go back and read it now.

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These were the week's highlights. We will continue to search the industry hour by hour and describe the most intriguing material for you. You can help us by sharing our analyses and following us on social media. Thank you for your continuous support and consideration.

About Troy

Troy is trying to promote web3 games, NFTs, initiatives, and possibilities in the GameFi world to gamers of all ages, genders, and regions in Turkey as Turkey's first and largest Gaming DAO. Our objective is to present web3 to all gamers who have had fun and learned from conventional games, to bring them together with the most significant projects, and to make everything more straightforward and accessible by clearing the obstacles in their path. Thank you for stopping by.